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Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Know The Signs
I drink a lot and feel thirsty all the time. I have frequent urination. I am always tired and hungry. I eat well yet lose weight.
Am I diabetic?
You should consult your physician. He will ask for blood glucose level and other tests to make sure if you have diabetes.
Mission & vision

The Chronic Care Center is a non-governmental, non-profit organization striving to lead specialized care for Thalassemic and insulin-dependent diabetic children by providing excellent, comprehensive, and accessible services and research for Lebanon and the region.
The Center also aims at contributing in building up healthy generations through working to prevent the disease and increasing awareness among the general population.
Its humanitarian mission is founded on the basic right of every child to a better health.
At the Chronic Care Center, every patient has the right to respect for his private and family life. He is the center of everything we do; all the services are at his disposal and all activities are organized with him and for his benefit.
All our young patients are strongly encouraged to be a part of their own treatment. By providing them with knowledge, skills and support, we help them to move from passivity to decision making and self-reliance, and we give them a chance to share their concerns about living with chronic diseases and cope with their stress.
The team approach to care at the Center relies on indisputable human main values: the respect of the individuality and dignity of patients, the respect of their differences and diversity and the respect of equity and confidentiality in health care.

Confidentiality is seen as central to the maintenance of trust between professional and service-user at the Center.

Within the context of professional ethics, observing the principle of confidentiality means keeping information given by or about an individual in the course of a professional relationship secure and secret from others.
Patient Information is not disclosed to others unless the patient has approved and signed an informed consent.