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Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Know The Signs
My baby is very pale and has no energy to play. He does not seem to be growing well even though he eats well. I am worried How can I know if he has thalassemia?
How can I know if he has thalassemia?
You consult your child's pediatrician. He will ask for a complete blood count to rule out anemia
The Chronic Care Center has been officially founded by Mrs. Mouna Elias Haraoui, on January 22, 1993 by ministerial decree number: 18/ADThis institution acquired its non-governmental and non-profit making organization status on June 17, 1994 according to law number: 5341
Mr. Wafic Rida Said

Wafic Saïd is the Chairman of Saïd Holdings Limited, a financial holding company.

He is also a member of the Board of Banque Libano-Française.

In 1982 he founded the Saïd Foundation, an English charity working to effect lasting changes in the lives of disadvantaged children in the Middle East.

He is also co-founder and a Trustee of the Oxford Saïd Business School Foundation.

Wafic Saïd is an Ambassador to UNESCO and holds, as "Grand Commandeur", the "Ordre de Mérite du Cèdre" of Lebanon and the "Ordre Chérifien" of Morocco.

Member of the Chronic Care Center Board of Trustees (2002-2011).

Honorary Member in the Chronic Care Center's Association (2012-current).