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Who we are
The Chronic Care Center is a medico-social institution, specialized in the treatment and follow-up of childhood chronic diseases: Thalassemia and Type I Diabetes.
Know The Signs
I drink a lot and feel thirsty all the time. I have frequent urination. I am always tired and hungry. I eat well yet lose weight.
Am I diabetic?
You should consult your physician. He will ask for blood glucose level and other tests to make sure if you have diabetes.
The Chronic Care Center has been officially founded by Mrs. Mouna Elias Haraoui, on January 22, 1993 by ministerial decree number: 18/ADThis institution acquired its non-governmental and non-profit making organization status on June 17, 1994 according to law number: 5341
Miss Lina Moukheiber

Masters in Public Health, University of Tennessee, USA.

Director of Development, Saint George Hospital University Medical Center (2001 - current).

World Council of Churches, Geneva (2004 - 2005).

Middle East Council of Churches, Lebanon (1991 - 2001).

Health Education Consultant, World Health Organization, Lebanon (1999-2000).

Instructor, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Balamand (1998-1999).

Instructor, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut (1992 -1999).

Health Program Coordinator, American Friends Service Committee, USA (1991 - 1993).

Public Health Consultant at the Chronic Care Center, Thalassemia Prevention Program (1993 - 1999).

Author of "Training of Trainers module on Thalassemia" & "Training of Trainers module on Diabetes"

Member of the Chronic Care Center Association (2004-current).